Media Release

Labor must release secret Premier’s Taskforce police report – as resourcing crisis takes toll

Published September 2024

The Opposition is calling on Labor to urgently release the recommendations of the Premier’s Taskforce into police recruitment and retention issues following the Police Commissioner confirming this morning that a shortfall of police officers is having an impact on frontline policing.

The Taskforce, which was established in July 2022 to make recommendations on police resourcing and numbers over the next 10-15 years, has not publicly released any recommendations despite ongoing recruitment and retention issues.

On 5AA Radio this morning, SAPOL Commissioner Grant Stevens warned of the impact on frontline policing:

Commissioner Stevens: As an example, before 2021 we were running about 5-6 recruit courses a year, we’re now scheduling 10 recruit courses every year going forward just to keep up with… number of people who are leaving SAPOL, retirements are up, resignations are up, resignations are up.

Davd Penberthy: That shortfall though, how can it not affect frontline policing?

Commissioner Stevens: Well, it does affect frontline policing.

David Penberthy: So… you’re conceding that it does, you’ve got fewer police on the beat?

Commissioner Stevens: I’ve been saying this for a long time… as an example, in 2018, we have a ratio of police staff per 100,000 of population and in 2018 that ratio was 331 police staff per 100,000 of population. In 2023 it was 316 police staff per 100,000 of population.

Shadow Minister for Police, Jack Batty, said Labor must release the report of the Premier’s Taskforce in full so that we can get on with the job of properly recruiting, retaining and resourcing our police officers.

“While the Premier keeps secrets, crime keeps soaring,” Mr Batty said.

“This report has presumably been sitting on the Premier’s desk for over a year now while a crimewave sweeps our state – with the latest SAPOL crime statistics showing a concerning spike in murders, assaults and shoplifting.

“SAPOL is under-resourced – with a shortfall of nearly 200 police officers.

“The Police Commissioner today confirmed the obvious. Low police numbers lead to high crime numbers. Labor’s refusal to act on this issue is impacting community safety. We have witnessed a spate of shocking incidents in the CBD, with small business owners at their wits end.

“It is shocking to discover that a report which could have potential solutions – to better protect the community and boost police resources and presence – is being left to gather dust.

“There is no point in a Premier’s Taskforce that never reports. Why hasn’t this crucial report been made public for South Australians to see?

“Labor needs to immediately release this report and take action to resource our police and keep South Australians safe.”

Media contact: Lesley Johns 0412 583 577

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