Media Release

Labor’s council rates cash-in – Peter Malinauskas’ new tax on the way in cost of living whack?

Published July 2024

The Opposition has serious concerns that Labor is considering significant increases to the Landscape Levy – and the introduction of a new “special purpose” tax – in what would be the latest big hit to South Australians already struggling during the cost of living crisis.

Landscape levies – used to fund various environmental initiatives across the state – are paid by all ratepayers and collected by councils as an additional fee on behalf of the Malinauskas Labor Government.

The Landscape Levy was recently reviewed by former Labor Minister John Hill who has recommended allowing it to increase beyond CPI while also suggesting the creation of an additional statewide “special purpose” tax to raise more funds.

Environment Minister Susan Close confirmed in Budget Estimates that all recommendations from the review are being considered by the Malinauskas Labor Government.

Acting Shadow Environment Minister, Jack Batty, said the last thing South Australians need during the cost of living crisis is for Labor to increase fees and taxes.

“This is the highest taxing State Government in the history of South Australia – Peter Malinauskas and Labor love to take more of your money at any opportunity,” Mr Batty said.

“Labor just increased water bills and this week it could be our council rates.

“Some ratepayers are already facing double digit increases in their council rates and now it appears that Peter Malinauskas wants South Australians to pay even more.

“Labor has already broken their pre-election promise of no new taxes and if this new special purpose tax is enforced, South Australian’s can expect big price hikes on their council bills.

“South Australians are doing it tough right now with the typical family more than $20,000 a year worse off since Peter Malinauskas was elected as Labor Premier.

“South Australian households and businesses are already dealing with the highest inflation rate in the nation and skyrocketing electricity bills – the last thing they need is Labor trying to add more to their council rates.

“Now is not time for Labor to be increasing the Landscape Levy and introducing a new “special purpose” tax. South Australians need assurances that Peter Malinauskas won’t force them to pay more.”

Media Contact: Ben Harvy 0430 306 424

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